September 30, 2016  |
Conference Time? Kazoo Software, Inc. just helped our friends at VIVA to construct Phase 1 of their new conference registration software solution. Utilizing ASP.NET MVC, the .NET Framework v4, WebAPI, Ajax, Jquery, Bootstrap, and MS SQLServer 2008 R2, we designed and built a web-based conference and exhibitor registration system to allow automated billing and persistent accounts for repeat attendees; secure and robust. Need to interact better with your clients and business partners?! |
September 15, 2015  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. celebrates its 15th birthday! Thanks for all your support over the years. It has gone by quickly! |
April 1, 2015  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. completes the latest phase of the UCSF APFLab Billing and Invoice Creation project. This version is ICD10 compliant, upgraded to interface with the new Patient system and latest database structure. Let us work to build your next solution! |
January 12, 2015  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. completes the latest phase of the UCSF APFLab Trending and Reporting project. This version is upgraded to interface with the new Patient system database structure and cleaner output format. Let us work to build your next solution! |
September 12, 2014  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. completes the latest phase of of the UCSF APFLab Patient Encounter Web Calendar. This version is upgraded to utilize and respond to the new Patient appointment system version and updated database structure. Let us work to build your next solution! |
April 10, 2014  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. deploys the UCSF APFLab Research Fellowship Application Management application project. Built to minimize physician wait time and accurately update reviews and final analysis reporting, the fully secure online system integrates with the APFLab network security. Let us build your next web-based solution! |
September 30, 2013  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. deploys the BETA version the UCSF APFLab Exercise Lookup and Reporting application project. Built to minimize technician prep time and accurately provide standards and evaluation analysis reporting, the fully automated creation of a MSExcel dynamic document. We build hard software! |
June 16, 2013  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. helps our friends at Malibu Boats to complete another model year flip. We just created the 2014 Model year flip with lots of new features and colors. We can get you ready for the new year, too! |
May 17, 2013  |
Building for Apple Products? Kazoo Software, Inc. just helped our friends at Cetecom to Create WCF Listener Application providing SOAP services based upon for Apple's new MFi requirements. Again utilizing ASP.NET, the .NET Framework v3.5, and MS SQLServer 2008, we designed and built a timely solution that allows Cetecom to reliably communicate with their customer. Need to commucate better with your business partners?! |
November 29, 2012  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. deploys the UCSF APFLab Trending Lookup and Reporting application project. Built to optimize technician test result search time and prepare custom results reports. We built this software to share data! |
July 10, 2012  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. helps our friends at Malibu Boats to complete the 2013 model year flip. We just created with lots of new features and colors. We can get you ready for your new year, too! |
May 16, 2012  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. deploys the UCSF APFLab Patient Engine Windows Service project. Built to gather patient encounter and admittance data, create patient supporting data records, and automatically reaching out to multiple data sources. We can build a robust software solution for you, too! |
September 6, 2011  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. helps our friends at Malibu Boats deploy the new AXIS Wake Boats Dealer and Production Management website. Built on SitecoreCMS v6 to securely provide Malibu Dealers and Malibu personel to manage the creation of a boat from configuration to final wrap and delivery. We can help you work this close with your customers, too! |
September 15, 2010  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. celebrates its 10th birthday! Thanks for all your support over the years. It hardly seems like work! |
March 15, 2010  |
Building for Apple Products? Kazoo Software, Inc. just helped our friends at Cetecom to respond to Apple's new testing partner requirements. Utilizing ASP.NET, the .NET Framework v3.5, and MS SQLServer 2008, we designed and built a web-based process automation solution that allows Cetecom to reliably communicate with their customer. Need to interact better with your business partners?! |
December 30, 2009  |
Want to make a million new friends? Kazoo Software, Inc. just helped our friends at R/GA to create the new TacoBell® DriveThruDiet® microsite to promote the TacoBell® Fresco menu items. The website is built leveraging many technologies like ASP.NET MVC web architecture, Akamai content delivery, Rackspace load-balanced webservers, mirrored MSSQL databases, Rackspace Cloud deployed and multi-threaded ASP.NET web-island, and SmartSource coupon delivery. Hungry for more?! |
July 15, 2009  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. integrates Silverlight Media Streaming into the Rapidwerks / MicroMolding.com site. Silverlight and Expression Encoder work together to energize the web. See it in action! |
July 2, 2009  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. completes the first phase of Implementation Status Reporting utilizing Microsoft SQLServer Reporting Services for Pacific Partners Management Services. Additionally, we researched and compiled the final BenefitOptionImporter User Requirements Documents, defined the new Solution Architecture based upon the latest Microsoft software and technologies, and constructed a working multi-tier SOA prototype set. Let us architect a cutting edge solution for you, too! |
June 15, 2009  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. completes the full redesign of the Rapidwerks / MicroMolding.com website. Rapidwerks is the premier micromolding facility in North America. See how small they get! |
Feb 2, 2009  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. completes the final Extraction Engine phase of the Mills-Peninsula Medical Group's Non-Cap Claims Recovery System. MPMG utilizes Microsoft applications, environments, and technologies to develop cost-effective and reliable Healthcare business software solutions. We can show you how to leverage these powerful tools in your environment as well. |
January 7, 2009  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. rolls out the web presence for the newest PR power in Silicon Valley, mediaOWLS. We have been working with mediaOWLS since 2008 to develop their exposure on the 'NET. We provide all their ASP.NET development and email/web/blog hosting services. Let us do the same for you! |
June 30, 2008  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. completes the second phase of the Mills-Peninsula Medical Group's Non-Cap Claims Recovery System. We have been working with MPMG since 2007 to incorporate new functionality into this private ASP.NET 2.0 web-based system, allow their team to reliably track and collect outstanding service fees, and increase cashflow. We can do the same for your business systems. |
March 15, 2008  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. has achieved another milestone to provide our clients with the services they need to succeed. We are proud to announce our completion of the Microsoft Partner - Small Business Specialist credentialing program. We are dedicated to delivering business solutions with Microsoft technologies. Are you ready? |
September 17, 2007  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. is proud to announce another industry partnership. We are the latest Sitecore Certified Partner and set to produce highly-dynamic, scalable, and secure public and private websites backed by their powerful Web Content Management System (CMS) software. Tired of your website managing you? Let us show you how to get control. |
September 7, 2007  |
Kazoo Software rolls out the new web presence for St. Nicholas School in Los Altos Hills, CA. Take a look a this vibrant new site based upon the Microsoft.NET v.2.0 framework and ASP.NET, incorporating Infragistics NetAdvantage web controls, Adobe Flash, and supporting Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Safari web browsers. We love the web and can get you there, too! |
August 24, 2007  |
Kazoo builds the new LSA Cleanpart Client Portal to deliver realtime work-in-process and historic data via the web. This ASP.NET web solution, on the Microsoft.NET v2.0 framework, connects to multiple SQLServer2000 and SQLServer2005 database servers to deliver solid and secure information to LSA Cleanpart registered customers. Would you like to deliver data to your customers, too? |
June 15, 2007  |
Kazoo Software re-architects and re-launches its new dynamic web presense utilizing ASP.NET on the latest Microsoft.NET v3.0 framework. We use Microsoft tools everyday to support our clients' success. We can do the same for you!
April 18, 2007  |
Kazoo Software takes in SaaScon 2007 as the premier Software as a Service development services offering at the show. SaaS solutions simplify the deployment and distribution phases of your application development cycle. Are you ready to leverage it? We can show you how. |
January 31, 2007  |
Kazoo completes the design phase of the next version of the Colliers International Partnership brokerage software suite. The cornerstone of their trend-setting Commercial Real Estate business intelligence management and marketing solutions, this interation is destined to further propel their ability to deliver their clients with dynamic and reliable property knowledge and trends analysis. Looking to make the best decisions about your software development future? We are ready to show you how. |
February 13, 2006  |
Kazoo Software, Inc. architects, develops, and successfully deploys a cutting-edge, on-demand commercial real estate brokerage software suite for Colliers International Partnership. See glimpses of this system supporting the "New on the Market", "Quick Search", "Find a Property" and "Find a Person" features of their public website. This private solution leverages our deep understanding of the Commercial Real Estate industry and exploits our heritage of successfully creating solid data-driven solutions for our clients. Are you ready to use technology to leap frog past your competition? We can help you get there. |